By dgadmin on March 24th, 2017

Furniture Design
Hotel Furniture Floors, Bedding, Seating & Tables

Solely handled from the conceptualization to product design & production by the company, the stunning collection of vintage type hotel furniture is made up of high quality Mahogany wood. Carefully treated in order to preserve its natural feel of elegance. The furniture set portrays the quality and sharp detailing, which the company believes as essentials of a luxury hotel room, since the visitors deserve unique and extra-comfortable experience of their stay

Client & Location
The Secret Hotel/ Kandy – Sri Lanka
Principal Activity
Furniture Design/ Wooden Floor

1. Wooden Floor

Floor done in solid ‘Kumbuk‘ timber & polished with waterbase paint

2. Armed Chair

‘Mahogany’ armed chair, cushioned with an ivory color fabric

3. Classic Door

Solid plain ‘Mahogany’ timber door with simple carvings

4. Dining Table & Chair

Square-type hand done dining table with ‘Teak’ arm-less chairs

5. Canopy Bed

Hand-made traditional four-poster style canopy bed

6. Lounge Seat

Hand-made in ‘Teak’ wood, finished with weather resistant paint